« Sapurji: Petro deal is done | Sapurji: Petro to Barrie not quite done yet... » |
Sapurji: Petro deal details
01/08/10 12:47 , Categories: blog
So it looks like the following... Petro, DeSousa and Petteri Simila to Barrie for Strome and Simon Gronvaldt and picks. We're still unsure if this will be split into two trades.
...Paperwork is still in the process of being done.
Comment from: elseldo [Member]
OHL website lists Desousa and Petro under the Colts roster!
01/08/10 @ 13:04
Comment from: elseldo [Member]
edit: And Simila..I was lookign for info onthe Colts players.
Ice Dogs roster hasn't been changed.
Ice Dogs roster hasn't been changed.
01/08/10 @ 13:07
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